ZTC & LTC Classes

The college strives to ensure that the ZTC and LTC designations are accurate; however, under some circumstances, faculty may have to adjust selection of instructional materials and this can affect course material costs. It may also be necessary to change instructors. Replacement faculty have academic freedom to choose instructional materials regardless of costs and are not obligated to use free course materials selected by an instructor previously assigned to the class.

Child and Adolescent Growth and Development

This course examines the major physical, cognitive, language, and psychosocial developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. It emphasizes interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and research methodologies, students observe children, evaluate individual differences, and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. UC CREDIT LIMITATION: Credit for CHLD 112, CHLD 113, or PSYC 121. C-ID CDEV-100.

Subject: CHLD
Course Number: 113
Section Number: 2609
Units: 3
Instructor: Garcia, Michelle

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