ZTC & LTC Classes

The college strives to ensure that the ZTC and LTC designations are accurate; however, under some circumstances, faculty may have to adjust selection of instructional materials and this can affect course material costs. It may also be necessary to change instructors. Replacement faculty have academic freedom to choose instructional materials regardless of costs and are not obligated to use free course materials selected by an instructor previously assigned to the class.

Plant Identification: Trees, Shrubs, and Vines

This course covers the identification, growth habits, culture, and ornamental use of plants found in Southern California landscapes. Topics include botanical and common names, plant family relationships, drought tolerance, and other environmental adaptations. Students learn to identify by sight memory more than 200 plants from professional certification test and local plant lists. Students are required to attend field trips both on and off campus. C-ID AG-EH-108L, AG-EH-112L.

Subject: HORT
Course Number: 117
Section Number: 1291
Units: 3
Instructor: Gerson, Jennifer

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