MiraCosta College Celebrates Student Success at the Annual Donor Scholar Celebration

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In a moving tribute to student achievement and philanthropic spirit, MiraCosta College held its Annual Donor Scholar Celebration on Friday, February 23. The event, which took place at the dining hall overlooking the ocean sunset, honored the academic accomplishments of more than 556 students and the generous contributions of donors who provided $575,000 in scholarships. This remarkable achievement equates to an average of just over $1,000 per student, underscoring the college's commitment to making higher education accessible and affordable.

The celebration was not only a moment to acknowledge the hard work of these scholars but also acted as a pivotal "scholarship connector." It provided a rare and valuable chance for scholarship recipients to meet face-to-face with the benefactors whose generosity has made a significant difference in their educational experience.

Highlighting the event was the story of student speaker Syona Menard. A scholarship recipient who, through the support she received, is now on a clear path in her college journey “I am a single mother. I have three kids that I support all by myself. As a former foster, that means no grandparents, no uncles and aunts, it's just me,” Menard explains. “ I have been immensely successful these past three semesters and I can say that is because I did not have the stress of if I could pay this bill or get gas to make it to class. That is where all the generosity comes in.”

Her narrative is one of many that illustrate the profound influence of scholarship support on the lives of MiraCosta College students.

MiraCosta College extends its deepest gratitude to all donors and invites the community to continue this legacy of giving to ensure that the aspirations of students can be realized.

View photos from the event here. For more information about the celebration or to support MiraCosta College scholarships, please contact Brian Astredo at 760.795.6645.

MiraCosta College's mission is to empower students through education, fostering the next generation of leaders. We look forward to the stories of success that will unfold thanks to the generosity of our donor community.

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